5 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Patio Misting System

 Summer is a real scorcher, and the sweltering heat is enough to send anyone indoors. A patio water misting system can be your perfect solution to reduce your outdoor space’s temperature and enjoy the beautiful weather. However, it can be a challenging job to install your misting system, and if you’re unprepared for the work and planning you’ll need, you may end up causing more damage than relief and risk missing out on its benefits. Here are five mistakes to avoid when installing your patio misting system.

Missing crucial hardware

First things first, a misting system installation will require a proper place for installation. Once you have the desired location, you’ll need to make sure all the parts are together to install. Ensure you have all the screws, filters, pipes, misting systems and everything together before going ahead. Misting kits for the patio will have all the necessary items for an installation, but if your location is different from the general specs, you may need more parts. Talk to your provider to make sure you are all set. You’ll also need to make sure you have the right equipment for installation. Will you need a ladder for higher areas, do you have the right tools, and are all surfaces at the correct elevation should be asked to make sure you’re prepared for the job. Too often do people start and are missing that one tool they need. Don’t make the same mistake. 

Misjudging your budget

Planning everything before you start on a project lets you take control of your budget. You’ll want to make sure that you have enough to buy any additional tools and parts when necessary. Many people don’t consider the operational costs of a misting system. They use a very minimal amount of water to run, but they use water and electricity to power the pump. Don’t forget about any maintenance costs that come from replacing parts or cleaning and maintaining the misting system.

Not regularly maintaining your misting system

Patio misting systems will work hard to keep the temperature of your outdoor environment down, but neglect can reduce its efficiency. The misting unit may become blocked after time, and not mist water as effectively as possible. Pipes could get blocked, and leaks could form in the piping system, depending on its setup. Regular maintenance by either yourself or a professional will help catch minor issues before becoming a real problem. The prevention of disasters will save you much time and money from repairs and extend your misting system’s lifespan. 

Following the incorrect instructions

Misting systems will come with their setup and installation instructions. Plenty of DIY content on setting up a patio mister is out there, but be aware that some kits are built differently, and may not fully apply to your setup. Follow these guides with diligence and caution.

Not using it enough

We’re not saying to have it running every day, but if you’re during a season where you won’t be using your mist cooling system for the home, make sure to run it for a while once every few months. This will prevent any buildup in the pipes and misting unit and ensure it works well when you do need it. Think of it like a car, if you don’t drive it for months, you should still drive it once every two weeks to keep all the parts healthy.

Misting systems are an excellent and easy way to keep everybody cool this summer, and they don’t need to be a headache. For all your misting system questions, talk to the experts at Climate Australia today!


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